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Tom Whaley is an east coast based visual artist. Tom grew up outside of Atlantic City, NJ and lived up and down the coast until finding his current location in Philadelphia, PA. Initially striving to work in graphic design, Tom found himself more enthralled with printmaking, photography, and illustration during his time at Stockton. Tom enjoys connecting his artwork with his deeper interests, such as music, literature, politics, and general everyday life. Tom also enjoys creating promotional material for films, concert events, and other forms of media. In his illustrative work, Tom creates cartoons and comics, usually as a tool to express his comedic side. In his photography, Tom aims to capture moments that reflect on the emotional human experience, aiming to portray situations of high intensity to instances of calmness and serenity. There are few places that Tom won’t go to find something that he feels is worth showing to an audience. Tom believes that everybody has a story to tell, and would like to assist them all in telling it.
For now, some of Tom’s work can be seen on his instagram: @TomWhaley